Department of Simulation and Graphics

The Department of Simulation and Graphics was founded in 1990.

In the "research triangle" of the Faculty of Computer Science (Image -- Interaction -- Knowledge), the research areas of the Department are mainly established in the "Image" field and constitute the scientific background for specific training in the study course "Computational Visualistics".

Prof. Dr. Stefan Schirra

Efficient algorithms for geometrical and combinatorial problems.

Prof. Dr. Alexander Binder

from April 1st,  2024

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Christian Lessig

We develop mathematical and algorithmic basics for computer graphics and other fields.


Prof. Dr. Graham Horton

The chair deals with the state analysis of continuous stochastic processes.


Prof. Dr. Christian Hansen

The group develops new methods in virtual and augmented reality.

Prof. Dr. Bernhard Preim

The Visualization Group develops, validates and clinically tests medical visualization methods and applications.

Prof. Dr. Holger Theisel

Priorities of the Visual Computing Group  are different fields of visualization and modeling.

Curricular development for informatics education and IT school infrastructures for digital education.

    Doz. Dr. Rüdiger Hohmann

    Prof. Dr. Peter Lorenz

    Prof. Dr. Klaus-Dietz Tönnies

    Last Modification: 05.10.2022 - Contact Person: Webmaster